Sunday, March 22, 2015

Be Encouraged //:

        It is finally Spring! Thank the Lord! This is the beginning season for one of my favorite things, photography. The funny thing about photography is that one moment you can be on top of the world, priding yourself over an image that you have produced, and the next you are in a spiraling depression because you see other photographers booking things while you sit at home reading a trillion things about lighting, light room, lens comparisons, and basically anything related to your personal camera. As much as technical knowledge is important, PEOPLE and working with people is where your greatest teaching will come from. Being out there, shooting anything and everything, practicing and learning as you go.

        So if you, like me, are out there and you are just starting out, be encouraged. Keep learning, keep shooting, keep making art, and one day you'll be producing images that you are incredibly proud of. Photographs that show exactly who you are as a photographer. I'm still waiting for that day, but until then, I'm going to just keep making intentional work. Putting feeling and emotion into my shoots. Getting to know people and seeing their lives and hearts.

Sometimes the greatest encourager we need is ourselves.
Don't be so hard on you, ya know? 

"The first images suck, but you've got to start somewhere." 
-David James

Encouraging myself today, 


  1. We can at least find peace in the fact that pretty much every creative goes through these stages. It fuels the need for competition when we are all secretly feeling the same way, it just looks different on the outside. Thank you for sharing and being real about it, because not enough people are sometimes. You are incredibly talented at many things, and these things take time, I'm still finding out. Keep that ambition up and you got it, girl.

    1. It really does take a huge weight off of my mind that nearly every one goes through these stages. It is easy to get caught up in the successes of others because I'm not at home with them when they are strategizing on how to take on more clients and getting frustrated at things. Thanks for your encouragement, Katie. It is definitely appreciated. xx


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